What do we feel when we touch? Do the sensations that travel through our skin resemble an orgasm? Would we be able to relate to this world without it? Our skin is the largest and heaviest organ in our entire body. Not only does it protect all internal body functions, it is our link to the external and the sensorial. Through millions of receptors in our skin, we are able to feel vibrations, pressure, temperature, pleasure, pain, etc. Why do we spend so much time covering our skin? Are we afraid of feeling? Why are the objects and fabrics that give us the highest pleasure, considered taboo? Most importantly, why do we fear contact with other human beings?

Enclosed in this black box, lies an orgasm that is hidden in your skin and evoked through mine. This exchange will happen inside the 6 holes that you may not acknowledge because they resemble the ones that you as well have. It is hard to see, almost impossible, yet it is easy to feel; perhaps guess the content, while your imagination travels through this sensorial experience. Taboos are left behind the moment your hand or body trespasses the boundaries of what lies inside: your desires. It is not only a box, it is a Tactile Orgasm. Is the place where you leave your inhibitions and allow yourself to feel.
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