As a customer service representative for Net(wok) I will set up a booth with many flowers, balloons, and candy. I will invite audience members to sit down with me and participate in a survey rating their “satisfaction” with the show. I will read the survey aloud and record their scores. The survey will include 10 questions about the show. The audience members can rate the questions on scale of 1 to 10. I will ask them for feedback on how they think the show could be improved to increase their rating. Meanwhile, I will discretely give the customer objects from the table. If the customer is difficult to please, I will increase the amount of gifts that I give. If asked if I am giving bribes, I will refute the claim insisting that I am simply ensuring “customer satisfaction”.

I am interested in the juxtaposition between the genuine act of asking feedback from the show and the inconspicuous act of giving gifts to the audience members in an attempt to improve their impression of the show. I am curious to find out if the audience members consider my gift giving to be a legitimate bribe or an inconvenient burden.
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